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Tuto Ivy in English

  • Cours
  • 4 Leçons

The snow and ice don't show up in every country!
But fortunately, our friend Photoshop is here to help us create a frosty photo! What's better than showcasing this beautiful Australian Shepherd?
You will discover and learn how to do basic post-processing in Lightroom (brightness, white balance, grain/luminance, etc.).
Then in Photoshop you will:
  • Create a creamy and blurry background
  • Modify the color of the grass to get a beautiful icy blue
  • Create a colored vignette
  • Add light flares
  • Do a beautiful Dodge and Burn
  • ...
No matter where you come from, this retouch will surely be a success!
-> Menus in English


It's hard to believe that we're in winter... And afterwards? Do you feel the cold? YES! Then it's a SUCCESS!


A mix of colors that is not very glamorous transforms into...


...a frosty softness. They will definitely make a WOW impression!


FW EN Ivy Part 1.mp4
  • 16 mins
  • 429 Mo
FW EN Ivy Part 2.mp4
  • 17 mins
  • 406 Mo
FW EN Ivy Part 3.mp4
  • 13 mins
  • 367 Mo
FW EN Ivy Part 4.mp4
  • 6 mins
  • 191 Mo

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